Terms and Conditions

INTRODUCTION Welcome to https://shopaz.com/ website (the "Website"). ShopAz platform and its services is a service enabled by CB Int Digital J.S.C. Through this website, you can post and list your products, search or browse various information, communicate through platform services and apply for loans. These terms and conditions (the “Terms and Conditions”) create a contract between anyone using ShopAz platform (“User” or “you”), ShopAz (“ShopAz”) and CB Int Digital J.S.C (“CB Int Digital J.S.C”). Please read the Platform Terms and Conditions carefully. Access to ShopAz Platform and use of the services, including content, products, data, reports, support, implementations, and other related materials provided via ShopAz Platform or through another form, such as email, (collectively, the “Services”) constitutes your consent to enter into and be legally bound by this Platform Terms and Conditions. By using this Platform, you agree to comply with and be bound by this Agreement and the following terms and all policies, guidelines, and instructions, and additional terms posted on or through the Application or Site, all of which are incorporated into this Agreement. By registering, logging into, visiting and/or otherwise using the Platform in any way, you indicate that you understand and accept these Terms and Conditions. In order to access and use ShopAz Platform and Services you may be required to have certain hardware, software and Internet access, which are your sole responsibility. Our Services’ performance may be affected by these factors. DEFINITIONS “Account” means the account registered by User at ShopAz Platform in order to have access to and use of the Services. “Agreement” means the entirety of the commitments existing between the Parties, namely the Platform User Agreement and the Terms of Use. “CB Int Digital J.S.C” means the entity that has the ownership of the platform “Client” means any natural person which registers an account on ShopAz Platform, to use the platform services to list and promote its product for sale or to find a potential product for purchase. “Data” means content, data, services and applications from third parties that may be included in certain content and services available via ShopAz Platform and Services. “Documents” means all the documents required to be uploaded in the platform for the purpose of loan application. “Fee(s)” means the fees ShopAz may charge for Services accessed through the ShopAz Platform. “Loan Application” means

the completed application form from the user, which provides all information required to support loan financial assistance from the Bank to purchase the product listed in the platform for sale. “Sellers” means any business or entity which registers an account on ShopAz Platform, to list and promote a product or to find a potential one for purchase. “Privacy Policy” means the terms which set out how ShopAz collects and processes a User’s personal data as well as the User’s rights regarding such processing. “Platform” means website page www.shopaz.com, enabled and operated by CB Int Digital J.S.C. “Provider” means the supplier of the products who sells them, respectively exhibits them on the platform. “Service” means services provided by ShopAz platform. “User” means each user of the platform that uses the platform services. “User Content” means the data, documents, files, notes and other materials that the User inputs, uploads, modifies or makes available in ShopAz Platform. PURPOSE The purpose of this document is to define the general terms and conditions applicable to ShopAz internet platform, which permits access and use of the Services. ShopAz Platform will grant you a nonexclusive, limited access and use to ShopAz Platform and Services as provided in this Agreement. Any other use of ShopAz Platform or Services is a violation of this Agreement and may result in the permanent revocation of your rights to access ShopAz Platform and its Services. YOUR ACCOUNT In order to access and use the Platform, you are required to register with us, by setting up or modifying the account with your email address and a password. The email address provided will be your email address, and you are solely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your password and for all activities that occur under your Account. If you believe your Account may have been compromised or misused, please contact us immediately at info@shopaz.com. PRIVACY Registration data and certain other information about you is subject to our Privacy Policy. For more information, please review our full Privacy Policy. IMPORTANT NOTICE By downloading The App “shopaz.com” or clicking on the “I have read and agree to the Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy” link on The App, you agree to the terms of this Agreement. The terms of the Agreement include in particular, the privacy policy and cookie policy, copies of which are available on our website at www.shopaz.com

If you do not agree to the terms, we will not enable the App and Documents to you and you should delete The App now. SHOPAZ RESPONSIBILITIES FOR PROMOTION AND ADVERTISING ShopAz takes responsibility for the promotion of the Merchants products within the shopaz.com platform. ShopAz platform will conduct the promotion and advertising services through the most appropriate advertising means to assist the Merchants and to enable an easy access for potential sellers and buyers. CHARGES Access to the ShopAz Platform is free of charge. ShopAz reserves the right to charge a fee for services accessed through ShopAz platform. It will be at your sole discretion to subscribe to any services for which a fee can be charged. THIRD-PARTY CONTENT ShopAz platform enables certain services, content, data, and applications from third parties. The platform may also provide links to third-party websites as a convenience to you. The content of these linked pages is solely the responsibility of the respective third parties that provide them. ShopAz does not warrant and will not be responsible for quality of products offered and accuracy of the Data published on such websites including content, products, materials or services of third parties. USER CONTENT The use of Services on the ShopAz Platform will enable your inputting, uploading, modifying or otherwise making available data, documents, notes and other materials, and you will be solely responsible for your User Content. Your User Information inputted in the platform which is applicable to you or the merchant you represent should be accurate. Upon creation of the account, you grant ShopAz platform the rights to store, process and use your information for the purposes of providing the required Services. UNILATERAL RIGHTS ShopAz reserves the right to modify, suspend, or discontinue ShopAz Platform and Services (or any part or content thereof) at any time with or without notice to you, and ShopAz will not be liable to you or to any third party should it exercise such rights. CONFIDENTIALITY By virtue of this Agreement, the Parties may have access to information that is confidential to the other. The contracting parties shall not use or disclose any Confidential Information of the other party for any purpose outside the scope of this Agreement, except with the other party's prior written consent or if it is required by law or other relevant regulations or by any ordinance or request of the relevant authorities. Each contracting party shall take reasonable measures to protect data/information and to avoid unauthorized disclosure and use of the other party's Confidential Information. Without limiting the

foregoing, each party, as the receiving party, will take the necessary measures to protect its confidential information. The parties may not use, publish, disclose or in any way make available to third parties, personal data and confidential information during the duration of this contract, unless they have prior written authorization from the other party. The obligation of the parties to preserve confidential information lasts throughout the validity period of this contract, or any other Agreement between them, and also after their expiration. The contracting parties have been informed that the breach of confidentiality constitutes a breach of contract, and the disclosure of confidential information constitutes a criminal offense and is sanctioned by the penal code of the Republic of Kosovo. The merchant may not copy, retain customer data or use it for purposes other than the conditions for the purposes of this Agreement. FORCE MAJEURE The Contracting Parties agree that they will not be responsible for non-fulfillment of the contract in part or in full if circumstances of Force Majeure occur (causes of force majeure are defined by relevant law applicable in Kosovo). The Service Provider will not be responsible for eventual damages, or for termination due to breach of contract, if the delay in its implementation or any other type of failure in fulfilling the obligations, is hindered due to force majeure. If each contracting party considers that any circumstances of force majeure have occurred which may affect the fulfillment of its obligations, it will notify the other party without delay, giving detailed information on the nature, possible duration and the effect that it may have on fulfillment of obligations. The parties are obliged to notify each other in writing when the circumstances of Force Majeure occur.